We constantly look for new ways of helping children to engage with the learning process.
At the same time, we are strong believers in the medium of the printed word, particularly for young children, who have yet to master the basics of literacy and numeracy.
Children need access to a wide range of stimulating resources if they are to become well-educated and well-informed adults. This includes games, apps, websites, videos and social media. But books also have an important role to play. When a child sits quietly with a book – interpreting what he or she sees on the page, responding to instructions and independently completing tasks – enormous benefits will result.
Our books are written by experienced and passionate teachers and are carefully designed to meet the individual needs of every child, no matter what their ability. All are underpinned by the following key features:
- a rigorous approach that improves test scores– in the national tests, in 11+ and in common entrance examinations
- a broad curriculum– that extends and transcends the National Curriculum, helping children to acquire the broader skills needed both for education and for life
- a clear structure– which helps children to learn systematically and to build on prior learning
- sustained repetition to reinforce learning– so that core knowledge may be accessed immediately and key skills become second nature
- continuous assessment– ensuring that you are able to check the level at which each child is working and, with the child’s involvement, to monitor progress and identify strengths and weaknesses
- steady progression– because the regular introduction of new learning increases children’s academic capacity: challenge without pressure prevents boredom and allows children to fulfil their potential.